Saturday afternoon we took O & O to see the Kite Festival in Mc Carren Park.

Ju Ju was there with her Mom, Oliver was a bit shy not like Juliette who wandered off to see the kites for herself!

He came wobbling back...

It was a beautiful day and Uncle Byron joined us for the afternoon...

You can see him in Daddy's glasses if you look carefully! (click on the photo)

Oliver felt a eerie presence by the soft ball pitch...

It sounded like "blue"...

If fact it made him quite nervous!

Lucky Daddy was there to save him!

We moved to the shade as it was very sunny for Oscar. You can see he has the trademark Parr toes...

Here is the full collection, large, small and extra small!

On the way home Oliver had a real treat his first Lalo from the ice cream van...

He held on to it until the last drop, literally!

We all headed back to ours for a nice BBQ in the backyard. The perfect end to great day!